Some of the technologies we work with:

The data ecosystem continues to change on a daily basis, and it is very difficult for companies to decide which technologies best suit their needs. Features, price, ability to solve both current and future problems… these are questions that require honest answers. At DATASOFI, we are aware of the impact that these investment decisions have on the company, and our priority is to respond to the trust placed in us by working with responsibility and with the client’s interests ahead of everything else.

Microsoft Power BI

What is

Power BI is an interactive data visualization tool from Microsoft. With Power BI, companies make better use of their data. They discover opportunities and problems that help them make decisions and modify their strategies.

What is it used for?

Power BI is used to display company information interactively, organizing it into reports and dashboards to facilitate analysis. Everything we create can be shared within the organization, and the information refresh can be automated to ensure up-to-date data at all times.

  • Business Intelligence

  • Automatization

  • Data Analysis

Microsoft Azure

What is

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud platform, which includes all the cloud tools that allow storage, processing, security, and management of your data in the cloud.

What is it used for?

For many purposes. Primarily, to forget about having to manage servers and other elements that do not directly add value. Also, to have the convenience of accessing our data and processes from anywhere and any device, 24/7. In short, it is the future of data management.

  • Storage

  • Automatization

  • Orchestration

  • Connectivity


What is

A powerful cloud tool for Data Warehouse and Data Lake, which allows processing data in real time with the capacity for a large amount of data.

What is it used for?

It is an ideal tool for processing data stored in the cloud and sending it to a Business Intelligence tool, such as Power BI.

  • Data Processing

  • Data Lake

  • Data Preparation

  • Cloud Analytics

Airtable & no-code

What is

Airtable is a no-code tool that allows you to create interactive applications based on tables. Some consider it a Super Excel. No-code tools allow for the creation of custom applications at a moderate cost, and they integrate easily with each other.

What are they used for?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can use no-code tools to perform key tasks of the organization, such as invoicing. All types of companies use them to automate processes or perform specific tasks, such as automatic email sending or process orchestration.

  • Automatization

  • Integration

  • Custom applications

  • Processes


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Data specialists

With experience in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), healthcare and medical care, manufacturing, and technology, we work daily on creative solutions that help our clients achieve their goals and break barriers.